A Journey Together...

I am branching out from my family blog, and have started this as a separate forum to discuss a topic that is so very close to my heart, and may be to yours, as well: Adoption! My amazing husband of 9 years and I have been blessed, three times over, by the gift of adoption. As many more of our friends are building their families through adoption, or considering adoption as a way to build their family, I have been feeling more of a desire to have a forum where we can share our joys, struggles, and insights with each other. My hope is to also provide a way for those who are interested, to learn more about adoption. A place where you can ask questions, and a place for your friends and family to learn how to ask questions! The more we educate ourselves and those around us about the beauty of adoption, the better we can raise our children in healthy, open environments that embrace all of who they are, all that God has created them to be. Feel free to leave your comments and ask questions. I look forward to sharing more with you!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So, as you read the post below regarding Open Adoption, I know that I need to put in a few qualifiers! So, here you go:

~ Regarding International vs. Domestic Adoption: It's really this simple... There are children all over the world who are in need of a home. Children who don't ask for specific presents for birthdays and holidays... children whose only dream is to be in a home, their home, with someone to call Mommy. Their Mommy. Someone to call their Daddy. And these children exist...Everywhere.
We actually had several reasons for our initial lean towards international adoption, and honestly, we may pursue that somewhere down the line. Ya... way, way down the line. (As our twins have just turned 2 ;o) But the Lord had other plans for building our family at that time. The key is to follow where you are being led, and trust that when making a decision as to 'where' to adopt from... There is no wrong answer! Because, once again... There are children everywhere who need families. And families everywhere who need these children.

~ Regarding adoptions that are 'closed': You know, there are so many families that have adopted children who never know what their birth families look like, including many international adoptions where "openness" isn't even an option. I really believe the main idea is to create an atmosphere of openness within your family. A place where adoption is talked about, in a way that says it's not only 'okay' to talk about it, but in a way that expresses adoption as the gift it is. As the beautiful, natural way to build a family that it is. It is imperative that we create an atmosphere where our children feel safe to express what may be on their hearts. I say "may" because, there are many children who consider adoption issues, well, non-issues. Not every child will have the desire to connect with their birth families. Not every child will look in the mirror and wonder whose nose they have. But there are many who will. And if you don't know, how beautiful is it to be close enough to our children to say things like "I wonder if your birth mom likes peanut butter on her pancakes, too?" How amazing is it to be confident enough in our role, as their mothers, to embrace every part of who our children are. Even if we don't know... Take the time to wonder with them.
If you haven't yet, check out my recommended books link to the left at 'Good Reads'... Eldridge's book 'Twenty Things..." was so enlightening for me... If you have any questions, comments, or need clarification on anything, feel free to comment... ;o)


Emily, Bob, Etta & Mae said...

This is the blog that I have been searching for! I didn't really know that until I read it, but it is. But I am so lucky because you live right down the street and I can talk to you always and don't have to wait for the next post. You are incredible!!

Christine said...

Thanks so much for the encouragement, Em!!! I am hoping that it is not just a place for my ramblings, but a place where we can all learn from and encourage each other...