A Journey Together...

I am branching out from my family blog, and have started this as a separate forum to discuss a topic that is so very close to my heart, and may be to yours, as well: Adoption! My amazing husband of 9 years and I have been blessed, three times over, by the gift of adoption. As many more of our friends are building their families through adoption, or considering adoption as a way to build their family, I have been feeling more of a desire to have a forum where we can share our joys, struggles, and insights with each other. My hope is to also provide a way for those who are interested, to learn more about adoption. A place where you can ask questions, and a place for your friends and family to learn how to ask questions! The more we educate ourselves and those around us about the beauty of adoption, the better we can raise our children in healthy, open environments that embrace all of who they are, all that God has created them to be. Feel free to leave your comments and ask questions. I look forward to sharing more with you!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Surgery Updates:

Scroll down to:
Explaining the Unexplained
Saying Goodbye, Again
For information on my recent hysterectomy

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